I set myself some fairly aggressive targets for 2019, not in the sense of my ability to achieve them, but more in the sense of juggling a young family and a full time job, so the amount of free time is at a premium. That said, I would like to say I’ve given it my […]
Author: dwright2
First Race of the Decade

The twenties started the same way as the teens finished, disappointingly slow at cross country. This was my second Kent Fitness League Race of the season and even though I was still full of chocolate and turkey, I felt OK. I’d been for a few runs over the Christmas holiday and was in OK shape. […]
Cross Country 2019 Part 1
This cross country season I’ve decided to do more Kent Fitness League races as well. Which means if I was to do some of the championship races I wouldn’t get many rest weekends to do a long run – I only run once a weekend as my children are still both very small. So I’ll […]
Not The Best Track Season
This weekend the track season finished – unfortunately, mine finished a few weeks before – a calf injury put paid to that. My track season started off really well at Medway Park, Gillingham with a 2:19.92 800m. Little did I know that would be my seasons best. I had hoped to improve on this time, […]
SCVAC 1500m
31st May 2019 This event was at Tonbridge, a very nice complex. Not my best 1500m time, 5:08.8. I was put in the second race, which is division 2. The race started quite slow and I thought this was the case as it felt comfortable. 85 sec first lap, 85 sec second lap, 83 sec […]
Medway 10k 2019
2nd June 2019 I’ve done this every year since it started and kinda felt I should continue to do it, especially as it’s my local event. However, I had a terrible race, I ran 44:07 and finished in 40th place. The course is quite tough, the first kilometre is uphill on the Great Lines, the […]
2019 Running Goals
As always, I set myself some targets for my running year. Some achievable, some a bit more challenging. So here are my running goals for the 2019. Run 1,000 miles in the year. Sound familiar? I’ve set this target for the past three years and missed out each time, mainly through injury. So this year […]
2018 Review
2018 was another year of ups and downs. I done half of what I wanted to do. My original goals were: Falling at the final hurdle after getting so close is not going to stop me trying again. Run 1,000 miles in the calendar year. Break 5 minutes for 1500m. To run a 800m PB. […]
Track Season 2018
I’ve not posted in a while so this is an accumulation of the whole track season summer 2018. That sounds impressive, but it was only five races. I run more distance in a lunch run than I ran the whole of my summer races. This was kind of my first full season in the track […]
Two Good Races
It’s not often that I say this but in the space of a week I’ve run two races I’m actually pleased with. And I rarely say that about one race! Monday 16th July This was the home, for Medway and Maidstone AC, Vets meeting at Medway Park, Gillingham. As I was non scoring, I was […]